Queen Elizabeth National Park Location, Wildlife, Lodges & Tours

Queen Elizabeth National Park is Located in the western Uganda – Kasese District with diverse ecosystems & home to tree-climbing Lions. Book Uganda budget Safaris & Tours. Queen Elizabeth National Park is Uganda’s most popular national park and most visited tourist destination. The park’s diverse ecosystems which include sprawling savannah, shady, humid forests, sprawling lakes, and fertile wetlands, make it the ideal habitat for classic big game and 10 primate species including chimpanzees and over 600 bird species. At Queen Elizabeth National Park, the sky sometimes seems to be much closer. Not surprising. This protected area is nearly 2000 square kilometers and is higher in altitude than Kampala. The park was named to honor the coronation of Queen Elizabeth in the early 1950s and is one of the most popular for visitors. The reasons are not hard to find.

Queen Elizabeth National Park Wildlife

The park’s magnificent views include dozens of enormous craters craved dramatically into rolling green hills, panoramic views of Kazinga channel with its banks lined with hippos, buffaloes, and elephants, and the endless ishasha plains whose fig trees hide lions ready to pounce herds of unsuspecting Uganda kobs.

A myriad of tourists flood the park during the various seasons of the year. Tourists have the privilege of engaging in various adventures including launch trips at Kazinga channel, game drives through the various viewing tracks; Kasenyi, the north Kazinga plains, and the ishasha sector, chimpanzee tracking excursions in Kyambura gorge, bird watching in various bird watching spots, wildlife research tours, cultural encounters, cave visits, guided hikes and nature walks.

Queen Elizabeth’s bountiful wildlife makes it a hub. The park is a habitat to over 95 mammal species including the big game; lions, elephants, buffaloes, and hippo. Leopards are occasionally seen. Elephants and buffaloes are very common; lions are surprisingly not easy to spot, especially in the ishasha region.

Queen Elizabeth National Park Lodges

Best places and where to stay while on your Uganda Safari tour.

Aardvark Safari lodge

Aardvark Safari Lodge

Relax in our spacious and thoughtfully designed cottages, boasting a total area of 187 square meters comprising of Open Terrace Balcony.

Bush lodge

Rwakobo Rock

This camp with individual tented rooms is simple but offers everything you need for a comfortable stay. The staff is professional and super attentive.

Lake Munyanyange

Lake Munyanyange

The lodge is situated in the perfect place for relaxation and safari adventures while exploring Uganda’s famed Queen Elizabeth National Park

Queen Elizabeth National Park Photos

Queen Elizabeth National Park
queen elizabeth national park
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queen elizabeth national park tours

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