Chances of seeing gorillas in Uganda Rwanda and Congo

What are the chances of seeing gorillas in Uganda Rwanda & Congo? This is probably the most frequent question we get from tourists who are planning to go gorilla trekking.

The chances of seeing gorillas in Uganda Rwanda and Congo depend on several factors. The chances of seeing mountain gorillas in the wild during the gorilla trekking adventure is about 99%. Far apart from other wild animals whose viewership is a probability in the wilderness, seeing the mountain gorillas is a sure deal. These wild animals live in a particular area for some time, and their movement is very slow compared to other wild animals. They have large bodies that are incapable of moving very fast.

Best time to go gorilla trekking

To trek gorillas, you must purchase a gorilla trekking permit from either Uganda Wildlife Authority or Rwanda Development Board to be granted access to see the mountain gorillas. Every day only 8 gorilla permits per gorilla family are issued for the public to book. The number of gorilla permits is minimized to a maximum of 8 clients for conservation purposes. When the number of visiting tourists is more than that, the very emotional mountain gorillas may get perturbed by the vast crowds and go into hiding.

Seeing Gorillas in Uganda Rwanda and Congo

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